Quantum Truths Summit

Exploring the Intersection of Science, Scripture,
and Transformation

It’s time for a shift

In a world where many concepts like sound healing, quantum energy, manifesting/law of attraction, and frequency are labeled as “New Age,” I believe it’s time for a shift. These profound truths aren’t foreign to God’s design—they’ve been part of creation all along, deeply rooted in Scripture and waiting for believers to rediscover them.

My heart is to help the Bride of Christ step boldly into her full authority that has already been given through His finished work on the cross. This summit is an invitation to believers to explore the intersection of science and faith, unveiling the mysteries of God’s creation in ways that will empower and activate our spiritual walk.

Together, let’s reclaim these divine principles for the Kingdom and step into greater transformation, healing, and alignment with God’s purpose.

Facebook Group

There will be a FB Group that attendees can interact with each other and the speakers on these topics.


Our collective presentations will help connect the dots between faith, science, and all that God has created.

Guided Practices

I would love for there to be at least a few guided practices where certain modalities are introduced and experienced.


Each speaker will be able to provide a free resource as well as an up-sell to a paid resource on the topic.

Quantum Truths Summit

Proposed Topics

QTS (Quantum Truths Summit) will offer pre-recorded sessions for viewers. Sessions are 30-45 minutes long and may take the format of a presentation or teaching.

This is obviously dependent on YOU. While these are things we think are important to cover, we are open to hearing other topics that you’re passionate about that fit the theme of the summit. These sessions fall into six general areas that I see for beginners:


What we are not looking for

We are not looking for any of the following. If we receive many of these kinds of proposals, they will not be accepted.

Any Form of Occult Practices: Practices like channeling, astrology, divination, tarot cards, or spirit guides that involve invoking non-Christian spiritual forces should be strictly avoided.

Quantum Healing as a Standalone Practice: While God does use the natural world to heal, promoting “quantum healing” as a mystical or alternative healing practice independent of God’s will and without a biblical foundation is not truth.

Energy Work or Reiki: Any form of energy work that suggests a spiritual or healing energy outside of the power of God or without acknowledging Christ as the ultimate source of healing should not be included.

Seeing the Universe as Divine: Any teaching that suggests the universe itself is divine or that God is indistinguishable from creation (pantheism or panentheism) should be avoided. The Bible teaches that God created the universe but is distinct from it.

Quantum Mysticism: A view that quantum mechanics reveals an inherent divine presence in all things, leading to the belief that all things are connected in a divine “quantum consciousness” or “universal mind,” should be rejected. Christianity teaches that God is transcendent and not equated with creation.

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction Independent of God: Teaching that quantum principles can be used to “manifest” desires or outcomes based solely on the power of human intention, independent of God’s will.

Quantum Physics as a Means of Personal Control: Promoting the idea that quantum physics can be used to manipulate reality or control the universe according to personal desires, without surrender to God’s ultimate sovereignty.

Attempting to Use Quantum Physics to Justify Unbiblical Practices: While it’s fine to explore how quantum principles might align with biblical truth, making overly speculative or exaggerated claims about quantum physics in the context of spiritual experiences or miracles can confuse attendees. For example, suggesting that quantum entanglement explains the “oneness” in the Body of Christ in a way that feels forced or unbiblical.

Reducing the Gospel to Quantum Concepts: The gospel message should not be reduced to quantum terms or made into a “quantum gospel.” The essential truths of the Christian faith, like salvation through Christ (Yeshua) alone, the resurrection, and the work of the Holy Spirit, should not be overly simplified or explained away using quantum language.

Blending Quantum Physics with Non-Christian Spirituality: It’s essential to be cautious of any teaching that blends Christian faith with Eastern religions, like Buddhism or Hinduism, or other non-Christian metaphysical beliefs. For example, invoking quantum ideas as a bridge to incorporate elements of Taoism, Hinduism, or other esoteric systems into Christian theology will not be accepted.

Jesus as Just Another “Master Teacher” or “Ascended Being”: In any exploration of quantum truths, Jesus must be acknowledged as the exclusive Son of God and Savior, not as a mere enlightened teacher or one figure among many. Elevating human consciousness or quantum understanding to the level of “spiritual enlightenment” as an alternative to Jesus is a dangerous form of syncretism.

Over-Complicating the Science: While the summit should explore quantum mechanics, it should not lead to unnecessary confusion or intimidation regarding complex scientific ideas. The goal should be to simplify and make these ideas accessible, not to create a sense that quantum physics is a “mystical” field beyond understanding or that only certain people are qualified to grasp it.

Fear-Mongering About Science: It’s important to avoid framing quantum physics or any scientific exploration as “dangerous” or “un-Christian.” There should be no fear-based messaging that paints science itself as something that Christians should be afraid of. Science is a tool to understand the created world, and all truth ultimately points back to God, the Creator.

Exalting Quantum Physics Over Scripture: While quantum physics might offer fascinating insights into God’s creation, it should never be presented as the ultimate or exclusive lens through which Christians must view the world. Scripture remains the authoritative source for truth, and quantum physics should be a tool that helps illuminate, not replace, biblical teaching.

Reductionism: Avoid reducing the mysteries of the universe or the power of God to simple quantum mechanics. Human understanding or scientific theories cannot capture the fullness of God’s nature entirely. While quantum physics may show God’s order, it’s important not to reduce God’s sovereignty or divine will to mere scientific concepts.

Unverified or Speculative Scientific Claims: The summit should refrain from promoting unproven or speculative quantum theories that contradict well-established scientific consensus, especially when they are used to make unbiblical claims. For example, claiming that quantum physics disproves God’s existence or that the universe functions as a purely random, impersonal system would be out of place in a Christian context.

Theories That Lead to a Non-Christian Worldview: Any teaching or speaker that proposes ideas that ultimately lead to a worldview inconsistent with Christian doctrine (such as promoting atheism, agnosticism, or a humanistic worldview) will not be accepted.

Cherry-Picking Quantum Physics to Fit Preconceived Beliefs: Quantum physics is a deeply complex field of study, and it should not be oversimplified or distorted to fit into a specific narrative. Any discussion about quantum science must be respectful of its depth and nuances and not forced into interpretations that don’t align with actual scientific understanding.

Presenter Information & Benefits

Apply now!

Ready to join other speakers reach believers and help them step into their full authority and identity?


Please read the frequently asked questions below.
If you don’t see your question, please feel free to reach out to us at info@quantumtruthssummit.com.

Who can apply?

Anyone is welcome to apply but only those who align with the vision for the event will be selected.

What makes a standout application?

The goal is to help believers understand why they don’t need to be afraid of many things that have been labeled new age. Being committed to making that connection clear in your application and talk is necessary.

Can I apply by email?

Sorry, all applicants must fill out the Google form for my sanity and ability to keep all the information together.

What happens after I apply?

The deadline to apply is Feb 27. All selections will be made by March 7. If you have been selected to present you will be notified via email and be provided next steps.

I missed the deadline! Can I still apply?

Please shoot me an email. It will depend on where we are in the process.